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本製品は『Stepgirl-COW statue』の3Dプリンター出力用データセットです。




This product is a data set for 3D printer output of 『Stepgirl-COW statue』.

Permission is granted to sell the parts output from this product for commercial purposes only if the purchaser assembles and paints the parts himself/herself.

Permission is granted to make coloring changes and partial design changes when you sell the finished product.

The purchaser of this product will not be limited in the number of times this data can be output by the 3D printer.


・分割済み stlファイル パーツ数11













・pre-divided stl file 11 parts
   Can be used as a conventional size garage kit.

The data has been adjusted for output with a 3D printer.

When outputting using a 3D printer, it is necessary to convert the data to output-ready data using slicer software.

In case of 3D output using segmented stl files
Depending on the printer used, the type of resin used, and the output settings, it may be difficult to fit the dowel holes.
In such cases, manual adjustment may be required after output.

■Terms of Use

Major changes to the data or 3D output products may only be made for personal use.

Redistribution or sale of the data of this product is prohibited.
Distribution or sale of the output products using this product as garage kits is also prohibited.

『​Stepgirl-COW STATUE』 STL file for 3D printing

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